Youth Sports Event Cancellation Insurance.
The Youth Sports Event Cancellation program focuses on youth Sport Organizers and Clubs who hold indoor & outdoor tournaments and events in various youth sports. Sports Organizers and Clubs incur substantial financial risk, including upfront costs, when scheduling sporting events months in advance. Unfortunately, life and especially weather is not predictable, and often this leads to scheduled sporting events being cancelled resulting in large financial losses.

Youth Sports Event Cancellation Insurance covers an insured for net losses should the scheduled sports event be necessarily cancelled, abandoned, disrupted, or rescheduled. Net Losses, up to the scheduled event’s limit of indemnity, include:- Expenses that are irrevocably expended, less savings from expensed items that can be reused or re-purposed, and less revenue retained.
- Optional coverage for reduction of net profit had the sports event taken place.
- Additional Expenses reasonably resulting from rescheduling.
- Additional Expenses reasonably and necessarily incurred which serve to reduce a loss.
Additional Highlights
- Broad Appetite for Scheduled Indoor & Outdoor Events including ANY Youth Sport
- Coverage up to $1M per Scheduled Event
- Coverage for either Single Events or Multiple Scheduled Events under One Policy
- Master Policy available with Flexible Reporting Options
- Annual, Auditable Policy available for Professional Sports Organizers
- Dedicated Claims Process for Quick and Reasonable Adjusting of Claims
For Organizers with More than One Event, Please Contact Us.
Contact Information
Max Malloy
Program Manager
M: 412.335.5254
Caleb Johnson
Director of Business Development & Client Relations
M: 417.860.3483
David Conway
Business Development | Broker Relations
P: 724.272.6022 | L #936366